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SPAN CSB partners train youth, adults, seniors, and professionals. Trainings can target teens and parents, medical professionals, pastors and clergy, law enforcement, emergency responders, teachers and school administrators, and mental health professionals. 

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SPAN's CSB partners and other partners provide trainings ranging from Adult and Youth Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) to Kognito simulation training for adults working with youth. Learn more about how you can participate in trainings to prevent suicide.


SPAN's CSB partners and other partners provide a range of suicide prevention trainings for adults, youth, and professionals. Available trainings vary by partner, and are customized to each local community and groups in our region. Trainings range from 1-hour simulation trainings online for teachers and adults working with youth to intensive multi-day trainings for mental health professionals and law enforcement. Evidence-based trainings including Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), QPR, SOS, ASIST, REVIVE!, and Kognito simulation training.

Mental Health First Aid 


With both Adult and Youth curriculums, MHFA trains those who want to learn how to help a person who may be experiencing a mental health-related crisis. Features audiovisuals discussions, and activities. Additional modules are available including Public Safety, Fire/EMS and Higher Education. 

Question. Persuade. Refer.


Three steps anyone can learn to help prevent suicide. Just like CPR, QPR is an emergency response to someone in crisis and can save lives. QPR is the most widely taught Gatekeeper training in the world.


SOS Signs of Suicide (SOS) is a universal, school-based prevention program designed for middle school and high school students. Thru video and guided discussion, students learn warning signs and ACT (Acknowledge, Care, Tell). Students also complete a screening for depression to encourage help-seeking and connect with trusted adults. 


REVIVE! is the Opioid Overdose and Naloxone Education (OONE) program for the Commonwealth of Virginia. REVIVE! provides training to professionals, stakeholders, and others on how to recognize and respond to an opioid overdose emergency with the administration of naloxone (Narcan ®).  


A 2-day workshop featuring audiovisuals, discussions, and simulations for those 18 or older with no clinical background. Learn signs of suicide risk, how to work through verbal intervention with someone having thoughts of suicide, and develop a plan to keep them safe short-term. 

To find out when these trainings are happening in your area, visit your local Community Services Board page:

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