The Suicide Prevention Alliance of Northern Virginia (SPAN) is a regional coalition of the Alexandria, Arlington, Fairfax-Falls Church, Loudoun, and Prince William Community Services Boards (CSBs) and community partners, all working together to raise awareness and share resources to prevent suicide.
SPAN partners include the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, local health departments, school systems, non-profit organizations and community members across Northern Virginia.
Through our network, we offer connections to information, training, and other resources to prevent suicide in our community.
Chair - Linda Silver Bufano
ConnerStrong Foundation
Noraine Buttar, MPH
Chief of Youth Development
City of Alexandria
Bethany Demers, MS
Mental Wellness Specialist
Fairfax County Public Schools
Promise Duah
Mental Health Matters Club,
Chair, Alexandria City High School
Kimberly Fleming
David J Cobb Foundation
Prevention Alliance of Greater Prince William
Allen Lomax, MPA
Chair, Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition of Alexandria
Chair, Partnership for a Healthier Alexandria
Rachel Lynch
Program Officer
Northern Virginia Health Foundation
Jamie MacDonald
Prevention Intervention Specialist
Loudoun County MHSADS Prevention
& Intervention
Heather Martinsen, MSW, ICPS
Behavioral Health Wellness Supervisor
Prince William County CSB
Melanie Myers, LCSW
Prevention/Intervention Program Manager
Loudoun County MHSADS
Linh Nighe, M.Ed
Prevention Director
Children's Behavioral Health Bureau
Arlington Child and Family Services
Raymond Paden
Wellness, Health Promotion & Prevention
Fairfax-Falls Church CSB
Ali Walker, PA-C, RRT
National Capital Area Chapter, Board Chair
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Critical Care Physician Assistant
Medstar Georgetown University Hospital
SPAN was founded in 2016 as one of the five regional coalitions supported by the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. SPAN is a regional coalition of the Alexandria, Arlington, Fairfax-Falls Church, Loudoun, and Prince William Community Services Boards (CSBs) and other partners in Northern Virginia, all working together to raise awareness and share resources to prevent suicide.
Northern Virginia encompasses more than 1,300 square miles with a diverse population of more than 2 million residents. Our neighbors come from many countries and cultures and speak many languages – in addition to English, more than 180 languages or dialects are spoken in our homes. Virginia has the 8th largest military veteran population and fourth-largest active duty population in the U.S., many of whom live here in Northern Virginia. SPAN focuses on regional strategies to address Northern Virginia's unique challenges and opportunities for preventing suicide.
We invite community leaders, faith communities, mental health advocacy groups, school system administrators, health foundations, law enforcement, NAMI chapters, governmental human services coordinators, health departments, parent groups, ethnic counseling groups, peer resource center staff, private providers, university faculty, and youth leaders to get involved with SPAN, get trained, and raise awareness.

Youth & adults trained
Gun locks
Locking medication boxes
Mini-grants for Youth-Led Projects
As a regional community coalition, SPAN and its partners focus on outreach and awareness-building activities to promote suicide prevention.
SPAN commemorates September as Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and commemorates May as Mental Health Awareness Month with special activities.
Each year, SPAN plans events such as forums, presentations, and conferences, as well as PSAs and social media campaigns to reduce stigma, build awareness, and empower community members to prevent suicide in their school, church, family, workplace, club, neighborhood, and other groups.
Sign up for our newsletter to learn more about SPAN events, news, and suicide prevention efforts in Northern Virginia.
SPAN is a collaboration between the five Community Services Boards in Northern Virginia, nonprofit partners, community groups, and dedicated local community members. Our coalition depends on our partners and supporters, so we invite you to join us!