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Ayúdenos a difundir la concienciación y las herramientas necesarias para prevenir el suicidio y revertir esta tendencia. Hágale saber a los demás que le importa.


Asegúrese de que sus amigos y familiares conozcan las señales de advertencia y los pasos a seguir si sospechan que alguien puede estar en riesgo.

Ayude a difundir la palabra

Ask. Talk. Connect. 

Ask. Talk. Connect. is a campaign used by SPAN with messaging focusing on two groups of people – individuals who are experiencing a mental health crisis themselves and others who may know someone in distress, as well as the community around them.


SPAN wants everyone to know that resources and support are available, and to break down stigma by making conversations about mental health common. That’s why SPAN’s updated messaging theme is "Ask. Talk. Connect."


Our message tells individuals in distress it’s ok to ask for help and support, talk to those they trust, and connect with crisis or long-term mental health support services. At the same time, we want to encourage people in the community and loved ones to ask questions about suicide, talk openly about mental health and suicide prevention to help reduce stigma, and connect with trainings to learn skills and tools to have conversations about suicide and mental health.


See ASK. TALK. CONNECT. Shareables Below


Access the ASK. TALK.CONNECT. Toolkit



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Ask. Talk. Connect. Social Media Shareables

Preguntar. Hablar. Conectar. Pósteres

Imprima los carteles que aparecen a continuación para colocarlos en su lugar de trabajo, centro de culto u otro lugar de reunión. Para imprimir, haga clic en la imagen y seleccione "Obtener enlace" para acceder a la versión en PDF e imprimir.

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